

可及性服务 (AS) staff collaborates with campus members with disabilities to identify appropriate accommodations that will ensure equal access to university programs, 活动及服务.  住宿过程的设计是协作的. 在办公室登记后, 可及性服务 Coordinator will work with you and any other relevant university department to arrange reasonable accommodations. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑, 请联系无障碍服务协调员(484)-365-5213或电子邮件 accessservices@toymonstertruck.com.


  • 学术住宿
  • 住房住宿
  • 吃饭住宿
  • 停车设施
  • 情感支持动物


1. 如果你想使用你批准的住宿,你必须登录到你的帐户  适应 并提交住宿申请信.

2. 我们鼓励你在每学期开始前申请住宿信. We highly recommend that your request your accommodation letters no later than one week after the ADD/DROP deadline, 因为有些住宿需要时间来安排.

3. 无障碍服务部门会在你的住宿信准备好时通知你. 

4. It is the student’s responsibility to share their accommodations letters at the beginning of each semester with their faculty. 学生必须提前通知他们的教授,当他们想使用特定的住宿.

5. Students who wish to use their approved testing accommodations must notify their professors at the beginning of each semester and at least two (2) weeks prior to a scheduled exam to make arrangements.